Apparently, August 2023 will be remembered mainly as being ‘good for the garden’! We had a very lovely week away in the Lake District and were very fortunate with the weather (as well as the fantastic scenery, the area is also famous for being one of the wettest places in the UK)! I get very excited when I see some hills or mountains being a true Lincolnshire yellowbelly! But, you just can’t beat our never-ending skies.
Sylvia Markham is once again crowned the front cover Queen of Kirton News! She must clock up 20,000 steps per day with the amount she’s out and about! Thank you once again Sylvia for your brilliant shot of the Fire Station (we thought it deserved some colour too)!
We have quite a few events coming up, some of which you will see as you scroll through the magazine. Hopefully you can all find something to occupy the forthcoming Autumn months! Listed below are some more events and clubs that should keep you all out of mischief as the nights draw in.
• Bridge for Beginners at Kirton Holme church hall starts on 6th September (8 week course). £40 includes all course materials. Further details are available on the club’s web page or by contacting Sue Gray on 07710 438832.
• Kirton Parish Council are hosting a Race Night on Saturday 2nd September at Kirton Town Hall (starting at 6.30pm). FREE tickets are available from Paula’s Gifts and The Spar Shop (event in aid of the Pensioner’s Christmas Lunch).
• Wyberton Wombles are hosting a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support at Kirton Town Hall on Tuesday 3rd October starting at 10am to 12pm.
• An Evening of Laughter and Song at Frampton Village Hall on Saturday 9th September from 8pm (doors at 7.30pm). Comedian Gerry Graham will be joined by vocalist Joanne Shields. Tickets are £12 and are available from Kirton Flower Shop.
• Boston Rugby Club upcoming events - 16th September ‘Ladies Day’, 27th October ‘Hallowe’en Disco’ and 4th November ‘Fireworks’. Please contact (01205) 362683 for further information or visit the club’s Facebook page.
Don’t forget, our magazine is available to collect from most of the local businesses in Kirton and we thank them for their constant support. If by any chance, you live in Kirton and don’t receive a copy, please let me know!
I’m always contactable on Take care of yourselves and be kind to one another.
Letters to the Editor
Dear Rachael,
It was with a mixture of dismay and displeasure that we read and discussed the letter written to you by “Anon”.
The tone of the letter was what caught our attention. It was rude and insensitive. We are sure that everyone agrees that we are all allowed an opinion. There will always be a difference of opinion because we all have our own minds and our own experiences on which to base our beliefs. However, there is more to it than this: everyone has the right to express their opinion respectfully without fear of censure. How can a democracy operate if people will not listen to others and courteously consider what is said?
As the editor, your editorials are upbeat and unbiased. If you give an opinion, it is simply written with a mention made to an opposing view. We would like to thank you, Rachael, for all the hard work and dedication that you put into the magazine. We are grateful that you accepted the role when, we understand, no one else was willing to do so. Before negatively judging, people should consider the amount of time and effort that has been put into producing the magazine, and, furthermore, how they would manage the task themselves.
Like others, Kirton Monday Club strives for community cohesion. We play our part by supporting everything we possibly can that is going on in the village. You will always find us being represented at various events. We also appreciate all those – such as the Parish Council – who try to improve the village and make it a better place for all. We wonder what part “Anon” plays in positively supporting village life.
In conclusion, we feel that it is not differences of opinion that cause division in a community; rather it is the way that difference is received. We believe that “Anon” knows this and it is one reason they chose not to put their name to their letter. Was the letter anonymous because the writer knew that they wouldn’t dream of saying such unpleasant things to Rachael’s face? We are saddened that someone would think it is okay to write and criticise without leaving their name.
With Kind Regards,
Kirton Monday Club
Dear Editor,
Having attended a pets service at Kirton Methodist church today I picked up a Kirton News only to find something quite interesting - cars on pavements! I’ve been trying to get cars shifted off the footpath. From what I call ‘Round The Shop Kirton’ on Holme Road for years (yes we used to have a shop). I complained to the Council and they said it was a police matter. But what have they done? Nothing. It is not good for people going for the bus with a shopping trolley or when people have their walking frames out.
Yes, I am one who uses a shopping trolley having no husband or vehicle.
Mrs Massey, Kirton Holme
Meet The Locals
This month we’re chatting with Rob from ARN Architectural!
Rob and a friend recently set-up ARN Architectural to provide architectural services to the surrounding area. They provide a friendly and professional architectural & energy assessment service. Services include drawing packages for planning permission and building regulation applications and for construction as well as the management/coordination & submission of planning and building regulation applications plus much more!
They have a proven track record of innovative designs, effective problem solving and attention to detail and their goal is to meet and exceed the expectations of everyone. They take on all types of jobs from small domestic work to larger commercial projects, all carried out to the highest standards, and at very competitive prices.
If you would like to make alterations, modernise your home or make your dream home come to life, no matter how big or small your project they are here to help! Please drop them an email for a free no obligation consultation to get your project moving!
They have a Facebook page:, can also be contacted via email at or by telephoning 07738 515817!

Kirton Church Fund
August winning numbers will be printed in the October magazine. The September draw takes place on Sunday 24th September and the winning numbers will be printed in the November magazine.
Both June and July had a first time winner numbers 103 and 98. Both numbers13 and 100 have won before. Well done to all our winners!
You will see looking at the prize money above that it has gone down in July. This is because we have lost another member who has moved away. As you may know the prize fund each month is dependent on the amount of money taken each month. Fewer members less money! We have had no new members join since last September. When I wrote my report for the September magazine last year we then had 40 members with 52 numbers taking part. As I write this, we now have only 36 members with 49 numbers in the draw. Several people sadly have died this year and I am really grateful to the two family members who have now taken on 3 of these numbers. However we are still down 4 members since last year. Why don’t you come and join us? There really is a very good chance of winning the Kirton Church Fund.
You too could be lucky in the KCF monthly draw but you have to be in it to win it! We have plenty of room for more members. Anyone over 18 may take part.
You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number. (Nine of the members play more than one number.)
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the up- keep of Kirton Church. (Currently the roof appeal.) The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or call in Kirton Church. Paula’s Gifts on Station Road also has registration forms. For more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring.
June 2023 Winners
1st PRIZE - £46.87 - TICKET NUMBER: 103
2nd PRIZE - £15.63 -
July 2023 Winners
1st PRIZE - £45.93 - TICKET NUMBER: 13
2nd PRIZE - £15.32 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
In Memory of
Barry Stanhope
Barry Stanhope was well known in Kirton, and had lived in the family home in Craven Avenue all his life. Barry’s parents were William (Bill) and Annie Stanhope, and they had six children, Gordon, Marion, Barry, Brian, Judy and Gwen.
Barry never married, but found happiness with Judy Bates and her two daughters Ruth and Sarah. He now had his own family.
When Judy died suddenly, Sarah arranged for Barry to move into Ivonbrook Care Home in Matlock, where she now lives so he was nearer to her. Barry passed away on Sunday 2nd July 2023 in Chesterfield Hospital.
Elaine Topley - family member

Kirton Nursery School
The outdoor learning environment at Kirton Nursery School has undergone a complete transformation, costing £83 000 (eighty-three thousand pounds). Go to see their incredible provision for yourself.
Their web page is:
Put your child on the path to a first-rate education. Our local primary school’s Nursery is often full and they have to begin a waiting list for places. If you are thinking of requesting a place for your child, the school fully recommends that you act early so as not to be disappointed. They often have places at the beginning of the year, but they are unlikely to be free for long.
Their award-winning provision for three and four- year-olds is led by a fully qualified school teacher and provides seamless transition and promotes excellent progress for every child entering Kirton Primary School. Did you know, for instance, that the children in Nursery begin early phonics and number work that will give them a head start when they begin school in Reception? The school notices a marked difference in the starting points of those children who have attended their Nursery and those who have attended other settings.
Additional sessions, above the free entitlement, may be purchased at a cost of £12.50 for 3 hours. This is extremely competitive locally. The purchase of a lunch is also available if required.
Please book a visit to see for yourself what one of the best pre-schools in the county has to offer.
If you know anyone else who might benefit from these excellent Nursery facilities, please let them know.

Party in the Ark was a success
Party in the Ark, the weekend of live music, great food & drink and lots of family fun took place once again at Abi’s Hotel for Cats, Donington Road on Friday 4th - Sunday 6th of August. Despite the wet and muddy weather party goers came out in true festival style resulting in raising over £2000 for the local Lincs Ark animal welfare charity.
This year’s line up featured a range of local and further afield bands kicking off Friday with Cuttin’ Loose and 11th Hour, packing Saturday with performances from Tiny Forehead, Still Crazy, The Amazing Armadillos, Geoff Garbow Band, Molly’s Chamber and Reverent Son. Concluding the party on Sunday were Cool Water, Robert Hokum, Side 2 Side Ska and Chekhov’s Gun.
Along with the energetic line up of bands the party was joined by Lincs Ark, 8 Sail Brewery, Denny’s Food Bar, The Lunatics Asylum, Ms McIntyre Arts and Nelson’s Ride’s and Attractions.
Event organisers Jo and Ray Thompson said “We would like to thank everyone who attended our very own “micro Glastonbury” this year. Despite the unfortunate weather you came out in true festival style to support Lincs Ark and had a great time. We hope to see you all again in 2024!” Adding that they give a huge thanks to the army of volunteers who support in a range of capacities, the bands who donate their time to perform for free and the stall holders and guests who add value to the event.
You can find out more about Party in the Ark at and follow updates on social media @PartyintheArk.

Award for Mrs Chapman
at Kirton Primary School
Congratulations to Mrs Chapman who won ‘Support Staff Memberof the Year’ at the Lincolnshire and Spalding Education Awards in the summer.
Mrs Chapman has worked at the school she loves for twenty-five years, supporting children’s learning and running the school choir. She is a well-deserved recipient of this award.

Frampton Gardening Club
On June 5th 2023, we had a good attendance of garden club members, for our annual trip out, which, this year was to Doddington Hall and Gardens, Lincoln.
We boarded the coach at Kirton Town Hall, and set off hoping for a nice dry day.
Ray, our chairman, had booked a tour of the hall for us, and as we were there on a day when the house and gardens are closed to the public, we were met by two very friendly guides upon arrival. We were divided into two groups, and our guides gave us our personal tour. Claire and James Birch own, and live on the Estate and learning how it has been passed down the family through the ages, was very interesting.
After the tour of the hall, we had plenty of time to have something to eat or drink in the café or restaurant, and of course, to look round the beautiful gardens and grounds. The Farm shop on the estate was open and there was a vast array of goods for sale from the Kitchen Garden, plus plenty of retail therapy opportunities in the other shops around the area.
In the gardens, the beautiful iris display was coming to an end, but still looked very striking, and with many different colours. One walk took us to the field where the Lincoln Red cattle were grazing – a lovely sight and a view I wouldn’t mind seeing at the end of my garden!
All too soon our relaxing day had to come to a close, and we boarded the coach again for the trip home at a round 4pm. A very successful day out, thoroughly enjoyed by all, and I’m sure like me, everyone went home enthused with a few more ideas for our own gardens.
Our Annual produce and Flower Show takes place at our meeting on August 31st 2023. Frampton Village Hall, 7.30pm For more information contact Ray Harding 01205 723181 or Maggie Welberry 01205 722382.
Kirton Parish Council Meeting Minutes
- April 2023
Cllr P. Watson, Chair, Cllr D Jarvis Vice Chair, Cllr C. Astill, Cllr F. Baillie, Cllr C. Crisford, Cllr M Elston, Cllr M Sohail and Cllr S Watson.
Clerk D. Fairweather.
Also Present: Borough Cllr Middleton & County Cllrs Austin & Brookes
Public Forum
Father from Orthodox Church having seen last months’ minutes came to reply to the PC on varying aspects. Portable toilet, although only one on site, doesn’t believe one is required as services are only 2 hours maximum. Parking – he realises there is a problem, but his parishioners do not abide by requests despite the Medical Centre being offered and usually empty. The biggest problem to the residents is parking half on path, half on road and occasionally blocking driveways, particularly at the Easter Events. There is also a nuisance factor for the local and neighbouring properties which in conflict with their Heads of Terms. Water from cemetery – he believes the Parish Council gave permission for this when lease originated. Not a problem can bring their own. Disputes there were BBQ’s taking place at the Easter event. He does believe that the speed limit along that part of the road should be reduced.
Founda Bada requests that photographic evidence be taken and reported to them. In agreement with a meeting to discuss the issues further.
Reports From Elected Borough And County Councillors
County Cllr Brookes – update of 30 mph signs on Boston Road. Traffic Order team are currently awaiting quotation for electrical works, hopefully by August.
To Receive A Presentation Regarding Village Litter Pickers And General Clearing Areas In The Village By Volunteers
Clerk had wanted to bring back the Friday Club and speaking with Dave Scotney, a local Womble, investigated bringing together volunteers. Dave had contacts had contacted the CVS who agreed to assist to form a litter picking and clean up group in Kirton. CVS would put the volunteers through the necessary DBS checks. The Secondary School also had an initiative for year 11 children to integrate within the village life and help with tasks. There would be teacher supervision. Clerk and Cllr Elston advised the group to come to the Parish Council, who they felt would support them and perhaps be able to make a financial contribution towards initial set up costs for equipment etc. Clerk reminded the PC of the lock up in the cemetery which was used for Friday Club equipment. Mr Scotney advised they had 22 names of people prepared to help and have called themselves the Kirton Clean Up Squad. Cllr Baillie confirmed there was regularly weeding required in the church grounds. Chair thanked Mr Scotney for his time and agreed to discuss with the Council who all felt a great idea.
County Cllr Brookes advised that details had gone to clerks from LCC for litter picking equipment free to local communities.
To Receive Apologies For Absence
To receive and accept apologies for absence as given to the Clerk prior to the meeting by Cllr Pryke, Borough Cllr Rylott and All resolved to accept reasons given.
To Approve Notes Of Meeting Held On 27th June 2023.
Proposed Cllr S Watson, seconded Cllr Baillie to be accepted as a true copy to become minutes. All agreed.
To Receive Updates
From Clerk
CCTV at War Memorial – Open Reach had now given a definite no and Alarmline to investigate another source for elevating camera.
Town Hall - Solar panels awaiting a third quotation before organising meeting with Town Hall Management Committee. Thought is required on the legality of ownership. PC assisting to purchase, and Town Hall will receive benefits. When quotation received and comparisons made, matter to be discuss at PC level before THMC.
Holes in Churchyard – Cllr Astill had kindly agreed to fill.
To Review Standings Orders, Data Protectiona And Digital & Social Media Policies
Clerk advised all policies came from the standard NALC template with variations for Kirton PC. All agreed to accept the current issues of the Standing Orders and Data Protection. Cllr Elston asked that going forward, all councillors have to agree with and abide by the Social Media Policy, and perhaps a tightening up of the wording is required and read out his thoughts on additional points. All communications should come from the clerk and be answered by the clerk. Cllr Sohail confirmed hopefully this would stop some of the previous issues. Cllr Astill agreed the PC were not here to make enemies. Cllr Watson asked clerk if this acceptable not being a member of Facebook, clerk agreed it was.
Cllr Baillie, suggest we have more in the Kirton News not just the minutes and update residents regularly of events that are being planned. Proposed Cllr Elston, seconded Cllr Astill these be accepted on block. All agreed.
To Discuss/Approve War Commission Signs For Cemetery
Images of various signs available had been issued to Council. All agreed unanimously on the design picked by Cllr Jarvis to go on the wall post of the gate.
To Receive Updates
For PC Surgery
Cllr Astill advised only held two sessions and very slow but felt it should be advertised better.
However, reports made: hedges in Dennis Estate, which were the responsibility of LHP. Clerk to contact them.
Areas around drains in the village requiring attention as they become blocked, and water is not therefore running away.
Concern over the ownership of the grassed area behind 54 – 68 Dennis Estate. Clerk advised there had been an enquiry of this in the past regarding an overgrown tree and not the Parish Council’s responsibility.
Suggested a poster ‘Talk to us’ be placed on Facebook. Cllr Sohail to design.
To Receive Updates From Events Group
Race Evening organised for 2nd September. Doors open 6.30 p.m. Cllr Crisford has put races together, Cllr Sohail done the posters for the event. Pc will be selling own alcohol. Licence held. Profits towards old peoples Christmas meal. Clerk to investigate card machine for ease on the evening.
Also looking into Christmas light switch on, with new lights required. Money to be kept in a separate account, as Jubilee event.
75-23 FINANCE – Balance £95021.44
a) To Approve Payment of Accounts as per schedule - proposed Cllr Jarvis seconded Cllr Elston.
b) To Approve New A Boards for PC Surgery - £35.99. Cllr Astill had requested if new A boards could be purchased for the surgery. Also, a sign on the wall of the Town Hall to show the Kirton Parish Council Office.
c) To Approve Purchase of Additional bins for dog walkers. Cllr P Watson had walked the areas that complaints had been received. Clerk to ascertain which posts could be used to erect. Residents to be advised that any bin can be used for dog bags. Clerk to send message to Kirton News. Agreed in principle. Agenda item for next meeting.
d) To Approve Members to Discuss Solar Panels with Town Hall Management Committee. Following discussions, it was agreed that the Parish Council Representative attend together with Cllr Sohail who has now been co-opted to the Town Hall Committee.
e) To Discuss PC Laptops. – due to lateness agreed to postpone this item for another meeting.
Cllr Elston suggested the PC show financial support, perhaps on an annual basis, to the Kirton Clean Up Squad. Proposed £1,000 be donated to start the group. Seconded Cllr S Watson. Clerk to set aside in another account for this.
Cllr S Watson asked if she could be included in Finance Committee as previous. Clerk to check records for numbers. Agenda item for next meeting.
To Discuss Applications Received Since Last Meeting
Land off London Road, Ashwood homes to amend plans to facilitate housing mix.
B/22/0529/CD1 land to SE of Avalon Road discharge conditions archaeology
B/20/0410/CD1 rear of 24-26 High Street discharge of conditions.
No objections.
To Discuss Orthodox Chapel – To Be Taken In Committee
Proposed Cllr P Watson, seconded Cllr S Watson to move into closed session.
Following discussions, it was resolved to meet with group to discuss PC’s concerns, regarding parking and use of grounds.
Members Reports
Cllr P & S Watson had attended the Summer Conference at LALC and found it very interesting and encouraged others to attend.
DF letter from Persimmons Homes to release part of land at Nightingale Road which they had previously transferred to the PC. All agreed acceptable in order that they can proceed and finalise the development.
Date of next meeting
22nd August 2023.
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome them all into the family of the church:
2nd July - Freddie Sear
2nd July - Tyler Ellis
6th August - Avana Jones
6th August - Maddison Dunworth
Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:
4th August - Kyron Burton & Alison Hardy
12th Augustt - Calum Cheshire & Hannah Clark
Funerals - May they all rest in peace:
19th June - Gillian Dawson
15th August - Elizabeth King